Ps. Joseph
08 Feb 2019

What is the Purpose of Speaking In Tongues?

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion
of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. 
2 Corinthians 13:14
  1. It is the initial sign of receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit as we have seen
  2. It enables us to speak directly to God beyond the limits of human language, in worship, singing, prayer and intercession
  3. It builds us up in our faith
  4. It enables us to speak mysteries
  5. God gets the one member of our body that we cannot tame, the tongue, and it tames it by causing us to speak in tongues, to praise Him
  6. It addresses our propensity to pride
  7. It is a sign to believers
  8. It is a sign that Christ has risen, ascended and rules today
  9. It indicates our allegiance to Christ's Lordship
